My Page Of X-cellence
This page is devoted to your total satisfaction. So sit back and take a spin through my life to see what I'm all about.
Some things you ought to know before we get started. . .
- I am a senior at Bethel Park High School. I really want to go to Michigan next year--I love it here in Pittsburgh, but it's so much better in Ann Arbor. GO BLUE!!!
- I play hockey on our varsity squad but I'm not very good and our team really sucks. Word out to the Cheetah for an excellent first year coaching.
- All the other things you need to know about me will come when you get to it so I won't spoil the fun by telling it all to you now. Just feel free to click on any of the links you see below and you'll be magically wisked away to some other place inside my head.
Oh, yeah. You probably ought to know I'm a twin, too. Here's my senior picture so you know what I look like. . . . . or is it Dave?????
Check out some of these sweet links to find out about my family, friends, and all other things:
Family (not much here -- these people never leave the house)
Friends (aka: The Boyz)
All The Stuff I Do
If you've got something to say to me, feel free to make it happen.
Created by: Steve Oechslein, Multimedia Communications--pd. 2, December, 1998